Sunday, July 20, 2008

There are many Web 2.0 tools to be explored by teachers

Get a Voki now!

Voki, a talking avatar, is easy to create and can be made to speak a variety of ways...
Register (free, no strings or privacy issues...) and create one...

Another is Picasa Web Albums - upload a set of JPG-based graphics (photos - screen captures - scans of student work - images mined from the web etc.). This tool allows for a gallery view, single image view, SLIDE SHOW, etc. It also allows for captions to be input with your keyboard. AND it provides the code for a viewer that you can embed in your blog. All of this is FREE, its a Google item! Go to:

Here's a sample from one of my Picasa Web Albums:

Bit Strips (a free resource)

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