Thursday, July 17, 2008

***Assignment #1

For Your Reference, here's what was required for assignment #1"

Part 1- READING:
Part 1.a
& b Assigned text *Meaningful Learning with Technology Read chapters 1 and 2

Also read - Assigned text *Podcasting for Teachers Read the Preface and skim read through Part 1 “Revolution in our Pockets” (no required response for this)

Part 1.c Article(s) 'Read' a, b, & c below follow the link to an online copy of each article (these are actually blog posts)

1) Using Blogs Within The ESL Classroom

2) Blogging in the ESL classroom

3) Actually this one is viewing & listening AND reading as it is a YouTube video
Blogs in the ESL classroom

Responding (to Part 1-a.b.c above): For chapters 1 and 2 (of Meaningful Learning with Technology) write a half page response (approx. 200 -250 words) for each chapter. Write a single, combined response for the 3 articles (blog posts, video) approx. 200 -250 words. Please do not summarize. Rather, give a response that:
· reflects whether or not you agree with the position taken by the author,
· have concerns with any of the facts or supporting ideas presented,
· have insights about how this point relates in particular to your teaching assignment (job), and or philosophy of education
· Other (type of response that reveals how your understanding has shifted, been reinforced, or expanded).

email me your response at: OR respond in the assignments section of our class BlackBoard section OR both...

Part 2 - Doing (Set up a blog): Set up a blog for your work in this class. Use Google’s free Blogger (blogspot) online blogging resource to create a blog for your work in this class.

Give your blog a name that reveals something about your teaching work or hopes for your teaching practice and/or educational philosophy. Be focused and appropriate, but feel free to have fun with this! Try to select a blog address that is easy to remember.

You may need to ‘register’ for Google or Gmail before you can create the blog. Once you create the blog you will have to make a variety of decisions about how it will look, navigate, and function. Your experiences, problems, issues, and questions about all of these aspects of blogging will become part of our class work. Therefore, be certain to make a note of these as you go through the exercise of setting up the blog and bring your issues in to class. The blog will be a work in progress, so do as much as you can and then our class discussion will empower you to move further along. As soon as you have a blog that is up and running on the web please email me a link to it.

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